
Stuart knew what I wanted, where I wanted to be and how to get me there. I’m very happy with the results.

Stuart knew what I wanted, where I wanted to be and how to get me there. I’m very happy with the results.

John Messerschmidt, Landscape Designer

Stuart offers a radical unique, helpful and effective prayer program for addictions…which will help you to live a more present and abundant life.

Stuart offers a radical unique, helpful and effective prayer program for addictions. Stuart provides practices, ceremonies, meditation, and support that will allow you to recognize unconscious addictive patterns - as well as the underlying emotions and spiritual deficits leading to them - which will help you to live a more present and abundant life.

Anonymous, Medical Doctor

Stu is an incredibly compassionate and versatile healer. He held a safe space for me to come out of what we call “the dark night of the soul.”

He really loves the work he does and is more than capable of helping people in any situation or stage of their healing process. This is his calling in service to humanity and consciousness.

Stu is an incredibly compassionate and versatile healer who has expertise in multiple areas of his client’s needs. I was stuck on antidepressants that made me feel numb and were not getting to the root of the issue when I decided to work with him. I felt hopeless and did not know how to get out of this cycle.

I was open to his prayer work and gentle plant medicine. He held a safe space for me to come out of what we call “the dark night of the soul.”  I was able to safely ween off these toxic medications and he showed me the best way to do this without shocking the system.

I felt as if I was held in a soft healing container while we worked together and he was incredibly generous with his time and resources. He really loves the work he does and is more than capable of helping people in any situation or stage of their healing process. This is his calling in service to humanity and consciousness.

Niki Aarons, Musician + Visual Artist

Stuart taught me prayer and how to use it to unveil the blockages that were holding me captive in the addictive mindset.

I continue to practice as my life expands into a whole new era. Stuart isn't dabbling in this. Stuart is the real deal.

I was experiencing a crisis in my life, but could not figure out what it was or why it was happening. Decades of addiction, no spiritual connection and I was just fired from my job...I was desperate for direction. Stuart and I clicked right away. He knew exactly what I was going through and already had a plan in place. In our work together, I had my breakthrough in a sacred fire ritual held by Stuart. The exact thing that was holding me back presented itself. Overall, Stuart taught me prayer and how to use it to unveil the blockages that were holding me captive in the addictive mindset. Now I have a set of metaphysical tools that I continue to practice as my life expands into a whole new era. Stuart isn't dabbling in this. Stuart is the real deal.

Adam Mascola, General Contractor

If you have an intuitive feeling that there are greater fields of consciousness, love and manifestation to access, but you are not sure where to start, I recommend you work with Stuart.

The quality of your life in this human incarnation directly relates to where your intention is placed. Working with Stuart will grant you training in the tools of meditation, prayer and deliberate practice that will focus your attending and allow you to create deeper consciousness in your daily life.

If you have an intuitive feeling that there are greater fields of consciousness, love and manifestation to access, but you are not sure where to start, I recommend you work with Stuart. You will become aware of unconscious habits that are not serving you and create new momentum behind habits to bring you into deeper spiritual existence.

Drew Brooks, MD

Stu is a master with the mind and directing energy in ways that serve the overall good.

I’ll leave you with this… life is not a healing journey, it’s a happy one.

Work with Stu to heal what needs healing then let it go to begin living your truth. He will guide you to greatness in all areas of life.

My path with healing and awakening began in the Amazon in 2009 with Ayahuasca, and then moved on a path with the Bwiti and Iboga over the last 13 years.

I met Stu in the Fall of 2020 during a entheogenic, plant medicine ceremony. I was being called to work with mother Ayahuasca again, and at the same time Stu introduced me to Kambo frog medicine for detoxification and mental clarity.

Aside from the psychedelic medicine experiences, Stu held a space where I was able to begin trusting the process and path I was on. Knowing all is good, and I’m being taken care of 100%. That was “priceless” for me!

When you come to a place of trusting source, a whole new world opens up. A world that manifests and allows you to create your life instead of just letting it happen. My daily mantra…

I am infinite abundance, free to manifest the truth. I hold space for myself, the planet, and all beings to understand and have less fear.

From here, I was introduced to the power of prayer and gratitude. Not the religious path of prayer, but a deep vibration of truth in this “one mind, one energy” we are innately connected to. I created a consistent, mindfulness practice and learned to nourish myself with all that I am and currently have.

Stu is a master with the mind and directing energy in ways that serve the overall good. I’ll leave you with this… life is not a healing journey, it’s a happy one. Work with Stu to heal what needs healing then let it go to begin living your truth. He will guide you to greatness in all areas of life.”

Marc Anthony, Bwiti and Iboga Initiate and Guide, Glens Falls, NY

It was through this work I first began to feel like I could take a more active approach in my own healing.

Love, patience, intuition, humor, and trust have guided our work together and I can't recommend them enough. Life is beautiful. Thank you.

I met Stuart at a Ceremony back in 2020. The world was in a new kind of chaos and I was deeply stuck in a cycle of self-hatred and guilt. He supported me during some of the most difficult journeys of my life, and helped me begin to question some deeply held beliefs. I continued to work with him to support a more focused integration and was given tools that really helped shift my energy, and give me hope that I can empower myself to heal. He had an ability to tap into areas that needed attention and work. It was through this work I first began to feel like I could take a more active approach in my own healing (I have since completed a self-healing Kambo training that was so difficult and amazing). He also led me to Liz, whom I was able to take this inward journey to a whole new level of healing. I had breakthroughs about some deeply hidden addictions, that I can now begin to face and heal. Love, patience, intuition, humor, and trust have guided our work together and I can't recommend them enough. Life is beautiful. Thank you.

Noreen Lynn, Poker Dealer and Massage Therapist

I feel so strengthened by this practice and have a confidence and knowing that I didn’t have before.

You made this a fun and enjoyable experience that I am continuing in my everyday life with JOY!

Working with Stuart has been such a gift.

His presence, lightness, compassion and humor were just what I needed to stay open and to keep going on my path. He guides with a gentle touch, no dogma, and truly encourages me to find my own way and understanding in connecting to my guidance and prayer.

My intention in working with Stuart was to connect to a faith that was dormant, but what happened so quickly were the actual results of each prayer being answered.

I feel so strengthened by this practice and have a confidence and knowing that I didn’t have before.

Thank you Stuart for your dedication to this work. Your rich background and life experiences bring so much to the table. You made this a fun and enjoyable experience that I am continuing in my everyday life with JOY!

Kayla Jo, Makeup Artist

Since working with the eternal over the ego the craziest things have happened in my life.  I am now one of the lucky ones - I have accelerated my career, my relationships, opportunities, and I no longer pack an umbrella.

Prayer is like walking - when you learn how to do it right you spend your entire life moving in whatever direction you choose. This program is pure and raw, the university of prayer.

Stuart is the kind of man who has learned to walk in between the raindrops. He doesn't pack an umbrella, there's always one around. He doesn't hail a cab, they are there waiting. It's called "surrender" - observing it in others we say people are "lucky" that things always go "their way" and a million other turns of phrase to describe a simple practice that is available to all of us in any moment - surrender and trust. 

Since working with the eternal over the ego the craziest things have happened in my life.  I am now one of the lucky ones - I have accelerated my career, my relationships, opportunities, and I no longer pack an umbrella. 

Prayer is like walking - when you learn how to do it right you spend your entire life moving in whatever direction you choose.

This program is pure and raw, the university of prayer.

Clyde Nolet, Trainer and Coach

I used the tools with some family issues and watched long-held patterns disappear seemingly overnight. Amazing. I recommend this work to anyone who's ready to embrace more happiness in their life.

Stuart's one-of-a-kind work gives one the tools to decode every day experience into spiritual maps. He then guides you into your unique territories and enables you to chart a course to a freer reality. Once you've done the work the tools are yours to continue decoding experience and map your way to a more fulfilled way of life. It works, and Stuart makes it fun!

I used the tools with some family issues and watched long-held patterns disappear seemingly overnight. Amazing. I recommend this work to anyone who's ready to embrace more happiness in their life.

The tools enable you to see the roots of your former mapping -- your 'stories'-- and in so doing that picture dissolves and you can make a new map of your choosing.

Jennifer Grant, Actress/Producer

I have no way of truly expressing the gratitude of what I've learned through my work with the Stuart Adam. He’s seen me, loved me and helped me grow exponentially in such a short amount of time. Just 6 short months ago I was suicidal, 100 lbs overweight, single and an alcoholic. Today, I am grateful, rested, sober and achieving in all areas of my life. Decide you're worth it and take the leap.

Understanding the Alchemy of Prayer truly deepened my understanding of the Source and accelerated my personal journey of Knowing. Each session allowed me to build upon the previous session's prayer until the prayer became a part of my moral and unconscious fabric. I was able to strip away decades of doubt, fear and judgment in a few short weeks. It's important to note that one has to be extremely coachable, listen intently and devote one's time to creating the space and routine to practice the teachings. My feelings of worthlessness and ineptitude have dissipated and I now feel completely empowered and I only Trust myself through the answers given to me in meditation, quietness and understanding. I have no way of truly expressing the gratitude of what I've learned through my work with the Stuart Adam. He's Seen me, Loved me and helped me grow exponentially in such a short amount of time. Just 6 short months ago I was suicidal, 100 lbs overweight, single and an alcoholic. Today, I am grateful, rested, sober and achieving in all areas of my life. Decide you're worth it and take the leap. Love and Light!

Darryl Wilson, Managing MemberDistrict Trust, LLC

Now everyone has been calling me "Buda Mike" to represent my transformation into a peaceful, loving, empathic person with a new zest for life.

For many years I was in my head. Reliving many past traumas with should have, could have, and what if's. I wondered why today was not how I had planned and hoped. This repetitious cycle made me feel stuck with no forward progress in my personal and professional life. People I would meet referred to me as crazy Mike. Then I met Stuart. Stuart's heart-centered focus and guidance were energetically obvious, and I knew he had what I needed. I required a path toward calming my mind and letting go of those thoughts and actions that do not serve others and myself. Through the Alchemy of Prayer work, I achieved solid, lasting results. It has been one year since Stuart and I first met. Now everyone has been calling me "Buda Mike" to represent my transformation into a peaceful, loving, empathic person with a new zest for life. The Alchemy of Prayer will increase your focus with a mindset to overcome all of life's obstacles. Our brother Stuart will guide you on the right path.

Michael Christian, Senior Electrical Engineer, MBA, GPM

I highly recommend working with Stuart on your path. He has helped me tremendously. Especially in finding a deep knowing that I’m not alone.

The first time I met Stuart I had been spending a lot of time doing self inquiry. I had been using all the day to day events to take a honest look at myself. Truthfully, I did not really understand what I was going through and quite frankly pretty troubled by the intensity of inquiry. Around the same time I met Stuart who happened to be having a conversation with someone else on exactly this. Listening to this conversation and ultimately joining in not only put my mind at ease but allowed me to see that what I was going through was good. Since then I have had several more opportunities to work with Stuart and I’ve come to notice that he has a way of just being at the right place at the right time with the right words. He has a way of making you feel comfortable. I highly recommend working with Stuart on your path. He has helped me tremendously. Especially in finding a deep knowing that I’m not alone.

Jeffrey Carter, MD

I go through my day practicing tips and techniques that he has taught me over these past months. This daily practice has saved me and I am so deeply grateful to have him in my life, and to call him my friend and brother!

Stuart has been an absolute Godsend to me since we met in May of 2020. Being a nurse and working through the pandemic I feel as though the universe sent him to me when I was on my knees. I was in a very dark place, beaten and lost. His wise words and spiritual advise, along with his shamanic guidance have pulled me through this tough time more then I could EVER put into words. He has also helped my husband and I see through some very difficult times and is there for us the instant we need him, never expecting anything in return. His genuine, nurturing soul has shed light and healing on so many levels in my life. I go through my day practicing tips and techniques that he has taught me over these past months. This daily practice has saved me and I am so deeply grateful to have him in my life, and to call him my friend and brother!

Nicole Euvino, Nurse