Alchemy of Prayer*

Live Your Highest Potential

* There is a very specific reason why I use the word “prayer.” In this context “prayer” means communication and co-creation with the divine. This work is between you and Creator; I’m simply a guide in building a relationship and learning a language. I also support you by holding you accountable to your practice. We work with prayer as a means of focusing the energy for transformation. I could use the word “manifestation” or “intention” but instead I choose prayer. I do this as a reclamation of the origin of prayer, prior to the distortions and manipulation of institutions of religion. Also, “prayer” has a vibrational resonance that is very powerful. The word itself supports the union between you, what your soul desires, and the Creator. The prayer is the “prayer” - the word means both the prayer and the person who prays. You become your prayer. “Manifestation” can’t do that.

Ground yourself, in the chaos, stay focused on seeding your new reality.

Become more self aware. Become more whole.

Tap into the power of prayer without religious middlemen, just your personal connection with the divine. 

Create your own spiritual guidance system.

Develop the ability to make your subconscious conscious.

Make your own connection and relationship with Source.

CoCreate your reality.

Live it.

Turn crisis into opportunity.

Take your spiritual growth into your own hands.

Learn to embody spirituality, through action and experience.

Free yourself from the loops you find yourself stuck in.

Connect to what your soul craves, not just what your mind wants.

Create a better operating system to navigate life’s challenges.

Integrate spiritual and psychedelic experiences into your daily life.

Be in greater service to others.

Pray it.

Who is this program for?


This program is for people who are…

in crisis but can’t put their finger on what their problem is.

in crisis, know what their problem is but can’t find a solution.

seeking connection to spirituality.

feeling blocked and can’t find a way out.

seeking to know God/Creator/Source/Eternal Being.

seeking to reprogram misguided experiences with institutional religion.

awakening and looking for guidance and tools.

feeling “there’s something wrong with me” but doctors aren’t helping.

in a dark night of the soul.

suffering from addiction.

searching for something to make them feel better, but don’t know what they’re searching for.

dabbling in spirituality and need direction.

working with plant medicines and need a guidance system.

desiring to work with plant medicines with more clarity, productivity and precision.

looking for a spiritually sovereign life, free of cult and group thinking.

spiritually connected and committed but still feel stuck.

practicing spirituality yet don’t know how to integrate their spiritual practice into their mundane daily life.

This is for people who really want to learn, to expand and grow. This is not for those who are looking for a quick fix. This is foundation building work.

The program.

Live your purpose, live your service.

This a is a 3 month program with weekly sessions, customized practices and transformation guidance tailored to exactly where you’re at and where you need to go.

In this transformational journey, you’ll be developing a high level of self awareness which you’ll use to deepen into the truth of who you are and how to best move forward.

With my guidance and specially designed practices, you’ll be given tools to overcome the blockages within that have been holding you back from living your highest potential.

The practices offered are customized to your unique personal experience. Many of the practices are designed to integrate directly into your daily life, using your day to day experience as a the platform for your inner transformation.

On your journey you’ll be communing and coming into union with Creator/God/Source.

Upon completion, you’ll have a foundational operating system to navigate life’s challenges, your own self-growth and spiritual evolution.

By learning how prayer* works, it opens infinite creative possibilities for you and your life.

Some poetic ideas to connect with the Alchemy of Prayer practice…

*A decision must be made, a choice to create from your being. A thought becomes a belief, then through the Alchemy of Prayer a knowing occurs. This is how to embody the magick, where free will and universal source energy come together and dance.

*Empty out, it’s important to clear and detox the vessel. We must let go of all we think we understand. Allow ourselves to float in the liminal, the place between the stories, between the words, being comfortable in the groundlessness, in the chaos. Ground yourself in the prayer.

*Become aware of the filters in which we see the world - cultural programming, family values, politics, religion, trauma, archetypal identities. These programs run so deep that it will be hard to decipher between an original authentic thought or one of many filters that runs the ego. Accept the idea that you can’t always trust your own thoughts.

*There are many creative ways to connect to this process during the day. It requires discipline and focus. It's always great to open your day with a meditation, clearing the decks, then connecting to the prayer, with gratitude that you feel in your belly. Putting the prayer in your food and water, drink it, eat it, another way to digest the prayer. The most powerful way to live the prayer is with the breath, this is how you can bring the prayer into the material world, breathing it into your body where it seeds and comes to life. It’s a beautiful creative process. How intimate can you get with your prayer?

*Don’t wait for the prayer to happen, be in the presence of the prayer in every moment. Be the prayer, as you call the prayer, walk the prayer. If you know this to be true, then it will be. To learn this knowledge takes practice. Focus, see it happen, experiment, try things, learn to trust. 

*Trust the gut, the feelings, learn this language. Pray from the place of embodied intuition, your higher self, this will give you what your soul truly desires. Other types of manifestation practices, like “Law of attraction” can work, but this works from the mind space only, creating a separation from what your soul craves. This can actually create more suffering and confusion. When your prayers are in alignment with your soul's journey and the deep knowing that you are infinite abundance and the laws of growth everything flows with ease.

*The prayer starts with a thought, then it becomes a belief, a resistance will follow, this is the doorway to knowing. Practice becomes understanding. This method will initiate you into your personal connection with source. Prayer practice can teach you many things and create a great tool box to navigate all trials and tribulations of modern day life.

*Gratitude, it doesn’t get more important than this one. It's what Prozac wishes it was, depression will be a thing of the past, once again it's not something that is just said. The feeling is where the magick lies. Gratitude rewires the brain chemistry and lifts your life force and vibration. Gratitude alone can shift the outer world to a more calmer kinder place. What goes out will come back in. Gratitude is not just a word, it's a feeling deep inside the belly, the depths are infinite. Pray the prayer from this vibration.

*As the world spins out of control and into chaos, people’s opinions become strong, needing to grab on to something, an ideology, a position on what is right and what is wrong. Within all these ideas lies polarity. Letting go of the need to understand puts you in the liminal, this state between the stories creates opportunities to see how your magick works. This is where you can find your grounding in your prayer. This is how you learn to trust yourself, which then allows your intuition to be your navigation system. With this tool you will be able to see through all low vibrational agendas and snake oil salesman. You will have no need to argue any points with anyone, cause you will just know your truth.

*If you are living a lie, clear it, no matter how painful it might be. When you live a lie no matter who you are lying to, you are lying to yourself. This creates a dark spell over you, it will rot everything in your life. It will be hard to know what the truth is. This creates a world of paranoia and addiction. A heavy burden to carry. This practice will not work in that kind of dense vibration. 

*Wording the prayer is tricky business. Your words are spells. By engaging with this practice, you will learn about this. Words are vibrations. This practice will deepen your understanding of language and how to work with it magickly. 

*It’s also always good to add into your prayers, prayers for others. Being is service to others is key. Sometimes offering service will open up more energy around the prayers for yourself. The giving is the getting.

This is a prayer about praying. These are words that your brain may understand, your mind might say, “ I get this.” Until you have the experience of this process, you won’t truly know it. Work with me and I’ll guide you through the experience. Having an embodied experience of knowing the power of prayer will open up a new expanded view of the world we live in and a different way to live it, a lifestyle of flow and beauty based on your imagination as a creator of your reality. Take that power back, help create a new world, from the heart. You are here for that very reason.